Get a Good Night’s Sleep: The Best Foods and Practices for Quality Sleep

2023-12-03 09:11:19

To get a good night’s sleep… Eat lightly and avoid spicy foods, chocolate, high-carbohydrate foods, etc.

Entered 2023.12.03 18:10 Views 69 Entered 2023.12.03 18:10 Modified 2023.12.03 01:54 Views 69

There are many foods that are said to be good for a good night’s sleep. One of the representative foods is banana. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Bananas have a variety of benefits, including increasing the body’s energy and relieving abdominal bloating, which causes a full stomach and bloating. In particular, it is very helpful in getting a good night’s sleep.

Sleep Charity, a British sleep charity, recently announced ‘tips for a good night’s sleep’, saying, “Eating certain foods, such as bananas, before going to bed is good for a good night’s sleep,” the American daily New York Post reported.

Bananas are rich in magnesium and potassium, which relax muscles, and contain tryptophan, an ingredient that calms the brain. For this reason, eating a banana before bed can help you fall asleep faster. Bananas also have a similar effect to melatonin, an ingredient that many people use to get a good night’s sleep.

In addition to bananas, which are known as ‘magic fruits’, seven other fruits that are high in melatonin, which induce sleep, such as grapes, tart cherries, and strawberries, as well as almonds, fish, whole grain cereal, and oat cake with cheese, can also help you sleep. Eating enough of these fruits every day can increase your energy, reduce bloating, and improve your mood.

Sleep experts say that eating light meals and avoiding spicy foods, chocolate, and foods high in carbohydrates are also good for getting a good night’s sleep. In addition, reducing the time you spend looking at screens such as TV, computers, and cell phones, adding relaxing activities such as reading and meditation, taking a warm bath, and keeping your bedroom dark, quiet, and cool can help you sleep well.

Bananas contain many healthy nutrients such as potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and fiber. Potassium is good for lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of high blood pressure. Bananas have little protein and no fat, but they are also rich in carbohydrates, moisture, fiber, and antioxidants. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s food information, one medium-sized banana contains 1g of protein, 29g of carbohydrates, 3g of fiber, and 112 calories.

Bananas are especially rich in dietary fiber, which aids digestion. Pectin, a fiber found in both ripe and unripe bananas, is good for softening stool and preventing constipation. It may also help lower the risk of colon cancer (rectal cancer).

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