Al-Marsad Newspaper: Sports Critic Saud Al-Sarami on Al-Nasr’s Impact in the Club World Cup and Ronaldo’s Sportsmanship

2023-12-11 22:43:29 Al-Marsad newspaper: Sports critic Saud Al-Sarami said: “If Al-Nasr had been present in the Club World Cup as the Arab champion, it would have been the real competitor to Manchester City.” He added during an interview with the “Al-Diwaniyah” program: “Unfortunately, we proposed that the Arab champion be among the participating teams so … Read more

Child Injured in Tram Accident: Are Pseudo-Pedestrian Sites Safe?

2023-10-11 17:31:46 A 7-year-old child, who was riding a bicycle on rue Wayez, near the Cureghem stop, in Anderlecht, was hit by a Stib tram (81) this Thursday, around 6:50 p.m. An ambulance and a SMUR were dispatched to the scene to take care of the little victim. “The child would first get back on … Read more

An old video of a Saudi poet and one of Snape’s celebrities when he was a child 38 years ago • Al Marsad Newspaper

2023-08-29 02:05:29 Al-Marsad Newspaper: The pioneers of social networking sites re-circulated an old video clip of the poet and famous Snapchat Ziyad bin Nahit, who was 10 years old. Ziad appeared in the video wearing simple, dark-colored “thobe” in the middle of the desert, and it seems that the clip was documented during a wild … Read more

Uncovering the Mystery: New Details of Citizen’s Fall from Sixth Floor of Carlton Hotel in Cannes

2023-08-19 03:27:54 Al-Marsad newspaper: Al-Marsad newspaper obtained new details regarding the citizen who fell from the sixth floor of a hotel in Cannes, France, under mysterious circumstances. It turned out that the young man was in his thirties and the accident occurred last Wednesday morning at half past five in the Carlton Hotel. The sources … Read more

Joesthetics: The Tragic Story of a Bodybuilder’s Mysterious Disease and Its Shocking Consequences

2023-07-03 13:24:32 The bodybuilder known on YouTube as “Joesthetics” died at the age of 30, last Saturday, due to suffering from a strange disease that does not fit the nature of the physical activity of bodybuilders. A day before his death, the German Lindner published on his Instagram account, which is followed by 9 million, … Read more

A request almost canceled the deal.. What was Adele’s condition for buying Sylvester Stallone’s mansion?

2023-06-21 20:01:07 British singer Adele decided to buy the mansion of American star Sylvester Stallone, on the condition that she keep the statue of the “Rocky” character located by the pool, which was presented by the famous actor in the “Rocky” series of films. Stallone said in an interview with the “Wall Street Journal” that … Read more

Exploring King Khalid’s Old Palace in Taif: An Insider’s Journey

2023-06-18 00:54:37 Al-Marsad Newspaper: A retired soldier documented a video clip in which he reviewed an old palace of King Khalid – may God have mercy on him – in Taif. And he said during the video: “May God have mercy on you, O King Khalid bin Abdulaziz. I was a soldier holding a guard … Read more

Outdated Clerical Views on Women Driving: Debunking Myths and Encouraging Equality

2023-06-02 22:00:31 Al-Marsad Newspaper: A Twitter account bearing the name Hatem Al-Otaibi re-published an old video clip of a clergyman saying that the wisdom of preventing women from driving is the effect of this matter on a woman’s ovaries, and thus the ability to have children. The cleric appears in the clip, saying that the … Read more