Emergency Services Called as Car Dives into Canal in Herstal – Search Continues for Driver

2023-12-09 15:49:21 Onlookers contacted the emergency services on Saturday, around 7:45 a.m. Several of them saw a car with a person on board diving into the canal near Boulevard Zénobe Gramme, in Herstal. Liège firefighters went to the scene but found no trace of the car or its driver, for whom the worst is to … Read more

New Opening Hours at Vottem Market: Now Open Until 7 p.m. for Convenience and Accessibility

2023-10-23 12:57:27 As of this Tuesday, October 24, the Vottem market is changing its opening hours. The City of Herstal has decided to take into account the demand of citizens and merchants. In total, more than 1,000 people were questioned during a paper survey carried out at the beginning of October, and 90% of them … Read more

Innocence Proclaimed: The Case of Mohamed – Unraveling the Truth Behind the Rape Allegations in Herstal, Belgium

2023-10-20 04:33:00 On October 3, 2023, the face of the man who would be called “Mohamed” was found in all the media in Belgium following a call for witnesses launched by the Liège judicial authorities. The man was clearly designated as the perpetrator of a rape committed on November 6, 2018 in Herstal, on a … Read more

Survey and Planning of Homes on Rue Ernest Solvay and Boulevard Zénobe Gramme: Get Updated Information and Reassurance from TEC

2023-10-09 15:14:39 The homes concerned are located between number 90 rue Ernest Solvay and number 20 boulevard Zénobe Gramme. These are sectors 1 and 2 of the northern extension of the tram. D.R. These areas are those on which you will be able to observe the first work from October 2023. It is therefore possible … Read more

Swift Identification of Rape Suspect and the Heroic Role of Social Networks | Latest News and Updates

2023-10-03 17:47:00 On Tuesday, shortly following 6 p.m., the federal police communicated on their social networks that the suspect of a rape committed once morest a young woman in Herstal had been identified. At the same time, the police thanked all those who had enabled the identification of the suspect in just a few hours. … Read more

Shocking CCTV footage captures the horrifying rape incident on November 6, 2018 – Help Identify the Perpetrator!

2023-10-03 11:21:39 The events occurred some time ago, on November 6, 2018 between 5 p.m. and 5:45 p.m. This Tuesday, the federal police, at the request of the Liège public prosecutor’s office, issued a wanted notice concerning the author of this rape committed once morest a young woman. That day, the victim was waiting for … Read more

Delhaize Store Blockages in Belgium: Updates, Videos, and Franchising News

2023-08-14 08:03:01 As usual, a bailiff was dispatched to the site to allow the store to reopen. No other store in the group has yet to walk out. of videos The Herstal supermarket is not one of the first 15 supermarkets to be franchised. In Wallonia, the group’s first announcements concern the brands of Recogne, … Read more

Repeat Offender Arrested for Theft at Colruyt Store in Herstal – Funding Cocaine Addiction

2023-08-05 14:32:35 On Friday followingnoon, an individual was arrested while trying to steal telephone cables and chargers from the Colruyt store in Herstal located on boulevard Zénobe Gramme. The man was arrested at the scene. He had already been arrested on Tuesday August 1 and Wednesday August 2 for the same kind of offences, once … Read more