Angle: “Quarantine Exemption”, Citizens’ Dissatisfaction Explodes on China’s Zero-COVID Policy | Reuters

[Shanghai, 22nd]–In China’s SNS, a video was spread last week in Shenyang, northeastern China, where crowds smashed the window of the clothing market and complained that the mandatory inspection of the new coronavirus was resumed. On March 22, China’s SNS spread a video last week in Shenyang, northeastern China, where crowds smashed the window … Read more

Focus: Invasion of Ukraine turns headwinds, Europe’s largest gas field gains momentum | Reuters

[Overschild (Netherlands) 15th]–Janny Schlaj and Bert Schlaj are in World War II after seeing pictures of hospitals and apartments in various parts of Ukraine being destroyed by bombing. I remembered the sight of my country. The couple, who lived in the northern part of the Netherlands after retirement, found themselves in an effective way … Read more

Focus: “Neither parent nor child” Myanmar newspaper insulates dissidents | Reuters

[]――For the past three months in Myanmar, state-owned newspapers have published six or seven daily notices from families declaring isolation from their sons, daughters, dads, and grandchildren. The reason is that he is openly opposed to the military government that controls this country. For the past three months in Myanmar, state-owned newspapers have published six … Read more