A new gag for Biden about what happened at the exchange rate of the Russian ruble provokes an interaction

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) – Activists on social media circulated a video clip from a speech by US President Joe Biden, about the impact of the sanctions imposed by his country and European allies on the Russian economy and the price of the Russian currency, the “ruble”. The ruble almost immediately turned into ruins.” … Read more

Russian market falls to 100 rubles against dollar again Stocks continue to close | Reuters

On March 2, the Russian currency ruble fell again above $ 1 = 100 rubles in the same day’s trading, heading for a record low. Taken on February 24 (2022 Archyde.com / Dado Ruvic) [Archyde.com]-Russian currency ruble has fallen above 100 rubles again in the transaction on the 2nd, heading for a record low. Meanwhile, … Read more

Russian central bank to unrestricted funding “Financial system is stable” | Reuters

On February 27, the Central Bank of Russia announced that it would carry out operations (open market operations) on the 28th without any restrictions on the amount of funding. The photo is the Russian central bank in Moscow. Taken in February 2019 (2022 Archyde.com / Maxim Shemetov) [Moscow 27th Archyde.com]–The Central Bank of Russia has … Read more

Russia invades Ukraine, impacts on market: Experts say | Reuters

[Tokyo, 24th, Archyde.com]–Russian troops attacked several cities in Ukraine on the 24th, according to high-ranking Russian government officials and the media. Prior to this, Russian President Vladimir Putin approved Russian troops for special military operations in Ukraine. On February 24, Russian troops attacked multiple cities in Ukraine, according to high-ranking Russian government officials and the … Read more

The rise in oil prices and the collapse of global markets after Putin’s orders… What are the potential damages?

With Vladimir Putin ordering a troop movement into Ukraine, global markets were turbulent. European markets fell, after a sharp sell-off, as did markets in Asia, in addition to the decline in Dow futures. Putin’s obsession with Ukraine sent financial markets tumbling last week, with the Dow alone losing more than 650 points in the past … Read more

China Evergrande Shares Rise Sharply, Chairman’s Willingness to Restructure Business | Reuters

 China Evergrande Group, a major Chinese real estate development company, is up sharply on the Hong Kong stock market on the 10th.While Chairman Xu Jiayin announced that he would fully resume housing construction in order to repay debt, he said he would not sell assets.The photograph is taken in Hong Kong last year 9 month … Read more