I’m better than him • Al Marsad newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A dispute occurred between the sports journalist, “Khaled Al-Badr” and his colleague, the sports journalist, “Saud Al-Sarami”, on the air during an episode of the “Sports Harvest” program. Directing his speech to Al-Sarami, Khaled Al-Badr said: “There is no comparison between you and Majid Abdullah. Your history and Majid’s history is not in … Read more

Alsou in a mint-colored mini dress appeared on a boat under the night sky

Pink has been performing on stage for many years. It is known to several generations of people. The singer became famous for her hits “Winter Dream” and “Sometimes”. And although now she is the wife of businessman Yan Abramov, and is also the mother of three children: Safina, Mikella and Raphaelthe artist continues to perform, … Read more

Alsu arranged a luxurious celebration in honor of the sixth birthday of her son Rafael

Pink became famous over 20 years ago. Then she was just starting her career, but her songs immediately captivated the audience. The singer even went to Eurovision. Now she is a wife and mother. The artist is happily married to businessman Yan Abramov. She gave him three children: Safina, Michelle and Raphael. Usually Alsou rarely … Read more

Calls for spreading immorality among men and spreading immorality • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad newspaper: Professor at Al-Azhar University, Muhammad Al-Ashmawy, attacked the Lebanese artist, Ragheb Alama, after the latter’s statement that a man told him at a party that his wife loved him, and that if he did not accept her, she would ask for a divorce. Al-Ashmawi said in a Facebook post: “What does he want … Read more

Woman Marries Pink Color | 40 years of relationship; Young woman married to ‘pink’

There are many young people among us who are moving away from the traditional methods of marriage. Many strange wedding news are also spread on social media. But this young American woman (US) is getting attention through a marriage that is different from all such news. She is making history by marrying her favorite color. … Read more