Taiwanese rescue workers struggle to free those trapped in the tunnel – 2024-04-08 15:20:41

Dozens of people were trapped in the motorway tunnel, while several tunnels contained German citizens and hotel employees.(AFP) Rescuers in Taiwan rushed to free dozens of people trapped in a highway tunnel following it was hit by its strongest earthquake in 25 years. A powerful 7.4-magnitude earthquake rocked the island’s east coast, striking at 7:58 … Read more

Liège Firefighters’ Nighttime Tunnel Interventions: Former TEC Buses Parking Warehouse Fire

2023-12-09 17:00:00 The Liège firefighters intervened twice, during the night from Friday to Saturday, in the tunnel where former TEC Liège-Verviers buses are parked. A warehouse located under Place des Wallons in Liège. The first intervention took place shortly before 11:30 p.m. At 9 a.m., the “black devils” returned to the scene to restart the … Read more

Traffic Paralyzed: Debris Causes Road Closure Near Dottignies

2023-11-30 16:55:47 This slight collision caused debris to fall onto the road, which paralyzed road traffic for a while. No injuries were reported, but with the work under the tunnel, it was impossible to travel there towards Dottignies at this busy time. Read also Mouscron: more than €6,500 raised for the fight once morest breast … Read more

Yunnan-Tibet Railway: Paving a New Road to Heaven and Creating a New Legend

2023-11-26 01:48:18   Paving a new road to heaven and writing a new legend   ——Written on the occasion of the opening of the Lijiang-Shangri-La railway The dynamic detection train passes through Xiaozhongdian.Photo by reporter Chen Fei This is a magnificent picture: in the southeastern part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, in the hinterland of the huge folded … Read more

The Latest on Hamas’ Proposal and Ceasefire Negotiations with Israel

2023-11-21 20:42:00 “The entire security apparatus fully supports him,” he added. “Hamas’ latest proposal to Israel is a trap” The hostages’ families demanded that all those being held be released, and the far-right Religious Zionism party, a member of the government coalition, spoke out once morest the deal, calling it “bad “for the security of … Read more

Emergency Tunnel Collapse Rescue in Uttarakhand, India: Latest Updates and News

2023-11-18 13:26:54 Fearing a new collapse of the infrastructure, emergency teams suspended construction work this Saturday. rescue of 41 workers trapped since Sunday in a tunnel that collapsed in the northern state of Uttarakhand, Indialocal authorities reported. The government’s highway and infrastructure management company, NHIDCL, explained that a sudden creak late on Friday caused “a … Read more

Palestinian Engineer Debunks Israeli Occupation’s Claims: Indonesian Hospital in Gaza Strip Revealed to Have Fuel Store, Not Tunnel

2023-11-05 15:24:00 A Palestinian engineer refuted the Israeli occupation’s claims regarding the Indonesian Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip, and its talk regarding a “tunnel” underneath it. Al-Quds Network quoted engineer Saad Al-Wahidi as saying that what the occupation claimed was a tunnel opening in the Indonesian hospital was in fact a fuel store, and … Read more