The Power of Drinking Water in the Morning: Boost Metabolism and Improve Blood Health

2023-11-06 07:41:03

It’s best to drink water first thing in the morning right after waking up… It helps increase metabolism and improve blood health.

Entered 2023.11.06 16:40 Views 256 Entered 2023.11.06 16:40 Modified 2023.11.06 16:14 Views 256 Drinking lukewarm water right after waking up in the morning helps increase the body’s metabolism. Drinking coffee after filling the stomach to a certain extent is good for the stomach mucosa. [사진=클립아트코리아]

What do you do first when you wake up in the morning? stretching? Starting with strong coffee? The most important thing is to start with a glass of water. Many people are already practicing this. The health benefits of a morning glass of water are powerful. I can almost feel my body changing drastically.

Loss of moisture for 7 to 8 hours while sleeping… Metabolism slows down, blood becomes thicker

While you sleep at night, water supply to your body stops. Some people drink water along the way, but others refrain from doing so for fear of having to go to the bathroom. However, even during sleep, our body constantly excretes moisture through breathing and sweat. The body becomes dehydrated, metabolism slows down, blood becomes sticky, and heart disease and stroke can worsen in the early morning or early morning. If you drank alcohol the day before, dehydration becomes more severe.

If you feel thirsty, it’s already a sign of dehydration… Yogurt should be eaten after drinking water

When you are thirsty, your body is already dehydrated. Thirst is a distress signal from the central nervous system that tells the body that it is dehydrated. However, as you get older, your central nervous system becomes dull and you may feel less thirsty. Delay in water replenishment reduces the kidney’s ability to excrete toxins, increasing the risk of stones and kidney disease. Symptoms of gastritis, stomach ulcers, and constipation also worsen. In the morning on an empty stomach, strong stomach acid remains, so if you drink yogurt first, the effect of lactic acid bacteria is reduced. It is best to drink water first to wash away stomach acid.

After drinking water, you need to take care of the stomach mucosa first… Effects of cabbage and radish

In the morning on an empty stomach, the stomach mucosa becomes sensitive. If you wake up in this state and drink strong coffee first, it is easy to damage the stomach mucosa. Drinking lemon for skin care may also be bad for the stomach mucosa. After drinking water, it is good to eat cabbage, which has a protective effect on the stomach mucosa. It is more efficient to eat other foods after taking care of the stomach mucosa. Raw radish is also good for the stomach. Diastase and Peruvian ochistase ingredients, which promote digestion and absorption, help prevent and manage stomach inflammation and gastric ulcers.

Healthy breakfast foods such as eggs and pumpkin porridge… Coffee after a meal to protect the stomach mucosa

Eggs are a regular breakfast menu item. It contains a lot of animal protein that is easily absorbed, so it is good for muscle maintenance, and the choline ingredient helps with cognitive function. Pumpkin porridge relieves symptoms of swollen face in the morning, and beta-carotene contributes to reducing cholesterol in the blood. Depending on the individual, you can choose whole wheat bread, brown rice, etc.

It is best to eat coffee after filling your stomach with some other food. If you’re busy getting ready for work, you can drink it at work. Eating some time after breakfast actually helps with iron absorption. Caffeine contributes to concentration, and chlorogenic acid helps bowel movements.

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