Ukrainian President Calls for “National Unity” on 16th Report of Invasion | Reuters

[Moscow / Kiev 14th]–Ukraine President Zelensky raised the national flag and sang the national anthem on this day, as some Western media reported that Russia could launch an invasion of Ukraine on the 16th. I asked the people to show unity. Officials explained that they did not predict the day of the attack, but … Read more

Ukraine, NATO accession goal is unchanged Ambassador to the UK explains | Reuters

On February 14, Ukraine’s Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Pristaico, said it could withdraw its goal of joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to avoid a war with Russia. Photo taken in London on February 9th (2022 / Tom Nicholson) [London / Kiev, 14th]–Ukraine’s Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Pristaico, told the … Read more

Russian troops prepare to attack foreign ships illegally invading territorial waters = news agency | Reuters

On February 14, Russian military officials said they were ready to attack foreign vessels and submarines that had illegally entered Russian territorial waters. Interfax communication reported. The photo is a missile cruiser of the Russian Navy. Taken in November last year on the Black Sea coast (2022 / Alexey Pavlishak) [Moscow, 14th]-Russian military … Read more

Ukrainian airspace avoidance, expansion in the aviation industry = advisory company | Reuters

On February 14, in response to the tension in the situation in Ukraine, flight flight advisory firm OPSGROUP said that more airlines could avoid the country’s airspace. The photo is a KLM airplane. Taken in January 2018 at the airport in Warsaw (2022 / Kacper Pempel) []— Due to the tension in the situation … Read more

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, embassy evacuation is reasonably urgent = US Secretary of State | Reuters

US Secretary of State Brinken said yesterday that the risk of Russia’s military action against Ukraine was high enough to justify the evacuation of US embassy staff and was imminent. Taken on the 11th in Melbourne, Australia (2022 / Sandra Sanders) [Honolulu, 12th]-US Secretary of State Brinken said on the 12th that the … Read more

Russia gathers enough troops to invade Ukraine, US vigilance, evacuation advisory one after another | Reuters

[Moscow / Washington / Brussels, 11th]–The US government announced on the 11th that Russia has gathered enough troops to invade Ukraine. In addition, as the Russian side further strengthened its hard-line stance toward Western countries, it called on Americans in Ukraine to evacuate within 24-48 hours. The US government announced on the 11th that … Read more

Russian Navy to large-scale military exercises to mobilize all ships in the Pacific Ocean, etc. | Reuters

On January 20, Russia announced that its Navy would conduct a large-scale military exercise from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean this month and next month, mobilizing all ships. The photo was taken in 2021 during an exercise conducted by the Russian Navy in Kaliningrad (2022 / Vitaly Nevar). [Moscow, 20th]-Russia announced … Read more