Understanding the Psychology Behind Backtracking on Our Decisions: Tips for Staying Motivated on Your Diet Journey

2023-09-17 18:35:00 We have all, at some point, said “I’ll start diet on monday” and when the day came, we completely forgot the promise we made. This situation is something we experience very frequently. In his podcast, the renowned Argentine writer and psychologist, Bernardo Stamateasinvestigate the reason behind This recurring pattern of backtracking on our … Read more

Demystifying Salt: Understanding its Origins and Iodine Content

2023-09-14 05:10:45 The rush for salt that occurred in some countries at the end of August actually surprised many people. It also happened after the Fukushima nuclear power incident 12 years ago. Why does history keep repeating itself? After everyone has calmed down, please allow me to share the inquiries I have received over the … Read more

Effective Weight Control: Recording Your Diet for a Healthier Lifestyle

2023-08-25 01:56:44 Maintaining a healthy weight can help prevent many chronic diseases and cancers, but only a handful of people can maintain a balanced diet and exercise regularly. The United Christian Nethersole Social Health Service Community Nutrition Service suggests that patients can record the amount of various foods eaten after each meal, and exchange the … Read more

Link Between Wuhan Pneumonia Virus and High Blood Pressure: Study Finds Alarming Rate of Hypertension in Severe Cases

2023-08-22 01:45:00 A study in the United States found that among patients infected with the Wuhan pneumonia virus, more than one-fifth of the severely ill patients were diagnosed with high blood pressure, which is about twice the rate of ordinary patients. (Archyde.com) [Compiler Lin Jiayu/Comprehensive Report]The medical journal “Hypertension” (Hypertension) published a research report on … Read more

Rejuvenated Luis Miguel Takes Argentina by Storm with 10 Concerts in Buenos Aires: Discover the Key to Reversing Aging with Harvard Research

2023-08-08 07:00:00 A rejuvenated Luis Miguel revolutionizes Argentina as part of his comeback with 10 concerts in Buenos Aires. Christian Garavaglia Meteored Argentina 08/08/2023 09:00 6 min The return of Luis Miguel put Argentina in turmoil, and one of the hottest topics on TV shows and social media right now is his youthful appearance and … Read more

Protect Your Heart: The Impact of Processed Foods on Heart Health Revealed in New Study

2023-07-23 16:04:51 Eating certain foods, such as fatty fish and nuts, can help keep your heart healthy, while others, such as pizza topped with meat, may put you at risk. And new research has found that for people with a history of heart problems, eating a diet full of processed foods can increase the risk … Read more