The minister informed how the method of expulsion of Russian residents from Latvia is happening

In monitoring compliance with the brand new necessities of the Immigration Act, border guards carried out roughly 800 bodily checks, receiving info on fewer than 600 individuals leaving the Schengen space by crossing the border of one other Member State. Greater than 100 folks checked weren’t discovered of their properties, however there’s additionally no info … Read more

What will the new “garbage” rules mean for residents of Latvia?

This Directive regulates issues related to waste and its disposal. In this case we are talking regarding food and textile waste. How will compliance with the requirements of this directive affect all residents of Latvia and what changes will it entail? Food: we buy responsibly – The first and most important thing that the amendments … Read more

The situation with airBaltic may be critical – Citadele

The right is granted to the Minister of Finance, but each transaction requires a separate decision of the Cabinet of Ministers and the Seimas. “The possible decision that the state can purchase air Baltic bonds indicates that the situation is quite critical, and the company does not have enough own funds and does not see … Read more “In Germany they would quickly be forced to speak German”

“The fact that people do not want to learn a language in the country where they live is generally impossible in other countries. Here we must take into account the fact that we have a lot of Russian speakers, I don’t know, regarding 40% according to statistics. About 60% versus 40%. If they lived in … Read more

Already this year, military training will be introduced in Latvian schools

From the next academic year, the implementation of compulsory training in the field of national defense (VAM) will be included in the secondary education curriculum, according to amendments to the standard of general secondary education adopted by the government on Tuesday. VAM will become one of the core courses in health, safety and physical activity … Read more

In Ukraine, the “limitedly fit” status for service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine has been abolished

On Tuesday, April 2, President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky signed a bill on amendments to the laws on ensuring the rights of military personnel and police officers to social protection. As Verkhovna Rada deputy from the Golos faction Yaroslav Zheleznyak said in Telegram, one of these changes suggests that “men who were recognized as limitedly … Read more