Angelina Jolie hired an assassin so she wouldn’t resort to suicide

Tell me – International press reports revealed shocking stages in the life of Hollywood star Angelina Jolie, during her depression and her thoughts of suicide. A report on the “Evie” website said that Angelina Jolie hired a professional killer to kill her. Because even though she wanted to die, she didn’t want to commit suicide … Read more

Jolie Sued FBI – Brad Pitt: Freak Out Shock Details Revealed

“You’re destroying this family”Jolie said her then-husband drank on board and then dragged her to the toilet. Pitt “grabbed my head and shook me because we were fighting over one of our children,” the statement said. Pitt then banged his fist on the ceiling of the plane four times and yelled, “You’re destroying this family.” … Read more

Angelina Jolie fled the moment the sirens sounded during a surprise visit to the Ukrainian city of Lviv

Al-Marsad newspaper: A video clip documented the moment the international artist, Angelina Jolie, fled following sirens sounded in the Ukrainian city of Lviv. Angelina Jolie was walking in a street in Lviv, surrounded by a number of people, but the sirens sounded to run, as the video showed. And Angelina Jolie arrived in Lviv, on … Read more