Britney Spears’ song and video clip that takes on a new meaning after confessing her abortion

2023-10-19 14:52:55 Britney Spears is regarding to publish her memoirs and before the official launch some controversial fragments were leaked. In one of them, for example, the singer recalled when, while in a relationship with Justin Timberlake, she had an abortion. “I loved Justin very much. I always hoped that one day we would have … Read more

’88 years old’ Shingu “Wearing a pacemaker, thank you for everything at the last juncture”[유퀴즈] [★밤TView]

2023-07-05 13:50:47 Reporter Kim Na-yeon | 2023.07.05 22:50 Shingu / Photo = tvN You Quiz on the Block 88-year-old actor Shingu said, “I am grateful for everything.” On the 5th, tvN’s entertainment program ‘You Quiz on the Block’ was a special feature of ‘You can’t stop them’, and actor Shin Gu appeared and talked regarding … Read more

How to Get Rich: Insights from Sunrise Capital’s Daria Heisiph and Thomas Niss

2023-07-03 19:33:16 07/03/2023, 2421 characters HEAR: Episode 5 is regarding the question “How do I get rich?”, which Daria Heisiph from Sunrise Capital discusses with her boss Thomas Niss with good arguments on both sides. The bottom line is: everything is no longer so easy, but it works. I stand with JFK at a … Read more

All against football madness; ‘It is not right to walk with flags of anti-Islamic countries’

Kozhikode: Samasta Kerala Jam-iyatul Khutba once morest football addiction. The Association of Imams of all mosques has suggested that star worship should not cross the line. Flying the flags of anti-Islamic countries is not right. Samasta clarifies that personal worship of stars is once morest monotheism and the message will be delivered following noon prayers … Read more

mass protests after film premieres – Culture – Kommersant

Created by Egyptian-born Nakula Basili Nakula, the anti-Islamic short was never released: two versions of the 14-minute video were posted on YouTube. The tape tells regarding the life of the Prophet Muhammad in a caricature and offensive form, exposing him as a homosexual and a molester. Dressed in rags and smeared with mud, the actors … Read more

“The Geld fireman, he must be good at everything!”

Published on Monday, September 5, 2022 at 06:30 Par Sabrina Berhin A new firefighter specialty has been launched in Charleroi. The men of fire who follow her will group together under the name “Geld”, for “long-term exploration group”. A kind of fire commando. In short, “super firefighters”. A team of “super firefighters” will soon see … Read more