what is within our reach to preserve mental and physical health

He stress chronic is the disease of our time? Everything points to yes: we are deprived of mental and physical health, which means a reduction in the quality of life. But, in addition, science has found that it accelerates aging, that it can generate chronic diseases and shorten our life expectancy. Is it because we’re … Read more

“If the diet is bad, the medicine does not work”

“If the diet is bad, the medicine does not work” After Tell me what you eat and I’ll tell you what bacteria you haveBlanca García-Orea Haro has just published her second part, entitled tell me what i eat now. “A publication whose purpose is for people to improve their microbiota, their digestion and their energy, … Read more

If your child is between 12 and 18 years old, try giving him this healthy diet

Adolescence is a time of growth and change. Teenagers need more calories and nutrients than any other age group to support their growing bodies. However, most teens eat too many empty calorie foods and are deficient in many important nutrients. Here you’ll find information about your teen’s nutritional needs and practical tips to help them … Read more