Al-Deayea reveals an unthinkable reason for receiving 8 goals from Germany in the 2002 World Cup • Al-Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad newspaper: Muhammad Al-Deayea, Al-Hilal goalkeeper and the former Saudi national team, revealed a strange reason for receiving 8 goals from the German team and losing the Saudi team in the 2002 World Cup. Al-Deayea explained, during his arrival as a guest on the “With Aziz” program, broadcast on the “SSC News” channel, that the … Read more

[영상뉴스] ‘Secret of the sick and old’ hair loss, can you get rid of it? Finding a Path to ‘Deukmother’!

[스페셜타임스 정시환 기자] Hello, this is the video news team of Special Times, an internet media company. This news is the ‘secret of the life-and-death soldier’, can you get rid of hair loss? Finding a Path to ‘Deukmother’! Related news. Is there any way to get rid of the problem of hair loss? Hair loss … Read more

Say goodbye to hair loss problems, thin hair with great hair loss reduction items. Restore confidence to your hair again.

Having healthy hair and scalp It is considered one of the dreams of many people, especially in young people. hair loss problem for various reasons which becomes an obstacle that tragically reduces confidence in life Normally, about 50 – 150 hairs fall out each day, which is a very small proportion. Compared to the hair … Read more

These vitamins and foods ensure healthy hair – healing practice

Vitamins and nutritional supplements for healthy hair Vitamins can at hair growth help and, conversely, a Vitamin deficiency hair loss cause. Also dietary supplements and Foodthe certain nutrient such as iron, biotin or omega-3 fatty acids can be used for healthy hair worries. A balanced diet is the first key to healthy hair. However, you … Read more

Randa Al-Behairi preoccupies her fans after her bold confession.. Here are the details!

The artist, Randa Al-Behairi, occupied her fans after she revealed that she had gone through a bad psychological state, but without diving into the details that led to that state. Randa Al-Behairi said in a comment through her official account on Facebook: “I am in my worst psychological state ever. Please pray for me, may … Read more

“A new trick that does not occur to anyone’s mind” .. A citizen reveals how he was subjected to a swindle and the seizure of 400 thousand from his account after he requested a worker for his mother

Al-Marsad newspaper: A citizen revealed that his friend had been robbed and swindled, and an amount of 400,000 riyals had been seized from his bank account. He said that his friend asked for a maid for his mother and contacted the company and told him that the contract would be sent to him to sign … Read more

Exciting facts about hair roots

When women suffer from hair loss, it is a major challenge for many: According to a recent survey, 85 percent of the participants consider hair loss to be a problem, and more than half even find it very difficult.[1] Hair loss is anything but rare: every second woman in Germany suffers from it.[2] The most … Read more