apply it accurately relying on the form of your face VIDEO – 2024-06-27 10:42:24

With the right software of blush, you’ll be able to enhance the feel of the pores and skin and provide you with a flattering, pure, renewed look. Nonetheless, merely dabbing it in your face, with the blush, randomly in numerous locations, is among the most typical software errors. Blush is handiest when utilized strategically and … Read more

Concertone, Meloni insulted by the rapper Gennarone and the opposition is still silent – ​​

Edoardo Sirignano 03 maggio 2024 «Italy is experiencing the specter of fascism thanks to that mouth of Giorgia Meloni». Thus the rapper Gennarone before performing at the May Day concert in Foggia. Clear condemnation from the majority, who even denounced him for “contempt of the institutions”. The left, on the contrary, remains silent, as if … Read more

Sofia Vergara does not minimize the role of her physique in her success

Sofia Vergara, January 15, 2024 in New York for the show Good Morning America. Peterson Christopher / Peterson Christopher/Splash News/ABACA The one who has just been named Schwarzkopf muse spoke in the columns of the Spanish daily El País. Sofia Vergara doesn’t hold her tongue in her pocket. Like her character Gloria Pritchett in the … Read more

The flu epidemic arrives in mainland France, bronchiolitis may be passing its peak

2023-12-13 17:04:07 The PACA region is the first affected, but others should follow because the majority are already in the pre-epidemic phase, indicated the Public Health France agency. The seasonal flu epidemic has now spread to the French metropolis where Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (PACA) is the first region affected, health authorities announced on Wednesday, arguing on … Read more

Orthatlantic, quality and expertise

2023-12-04 17:42:47 The first national network of associated liberal orthoptists, Orthatlantic has deployed around twenty practices in France since 2016. Orthatlantic provides patients, from infants to the elderly, with the most complete and qualitative support possible in the screening of visual disorders. For orthoptists, Orthatlantic provides efficient support on technical, legal and administrative aspects without … Read more

the future of cardiac event recorders

2023-11-30 17:03:48 Holter Supplies designs and markets high-performance, compact and easy-to-use cardiac Holters, as well as results analysis software. Objective: promote the detection of arrhythmias to prevent associated pathologies. Holter Supplies designs and markets high-performance, compact and easy-to-use cardiac Holters, as well as results analysis software. Objective: promote the detection of arrhythmias to prevent associated … Read more

new avenues of research against HIV-AIDS

2023-12-01 08:19:06 Forty years following the discovery of HIV, many battles have been won, and many hopes disappointed. Overview of the avenues explored by research to put an end to AIDS. Will it be possible to end HIV by 2030, as the UNAIDS association aims for? Forty years of research on HIV have made it … Read more

the risks for the fetus better identified

2023-11-29 17:14:49 The National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products unveils on Wednesday November 29 a new overview of the risks associated with the consumption of antiepileptics. Reduce the number of high-risk pregnancies by better informing mothers and doctors: the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) unveils … Read more