The Health Hazards of Paraffin and Scented Candles: A Doctor’s Warning

2023-12-04 17:21:08 Al-Marsad newspaper: A doctor warned of the danger of candles to health. He said during a video clip: “In the past, candles were made from natural beeswax, and the combustion exhaust that comes out of it is not harmful.” He added: “Currently, most candles are made from paraffin, which is a petroleum substance, … Read more

The Importance of Daily Movement: 8 Dangers of Sitting at Home Revealed by Kuwaiti Nutritionist

2023-09-14 05:19:18 Al-Marsad newspaper: Kuwaiti nutritionist Ali Al-Haddad revealed 8 dangers of sitting at home and not going out daily. He explained in a video clip that this exposes the body to vitamin D deficiency due to lack of exposure to sunlight. He added that sitting at home causes depression, as well as weight gain … Read more

Simple Home Test to Determine Your Risk of Heart Disease: Measure Your Waist Size

2023-08-22 18:35:40 The British Heart Foundation (BHF) has revealed a simple test you can take at home to find out if a person is at risk of heart disease. She explained, a BMI of 25 or higher usually means that you may be overweight. She added: “Excess weight around your midsection increases your risk of … Read more

Effective Exercises to Relieve Back Pain: Expert Reveals the Best Techniques for Home Treatment

2023-07-14 17:06:27 Exclusive translation: An American therapist revealed the best way to treat back pain with simple exercises at home. The massage therapist said that back pain can be treated by opening the shoulders and extending the spine, which relieves the tightness in the lower neck. And a group of pictures showed that the therapist … Read more

In the video, a Saudi researcher in metaphysics identifies 3 signs of the presence of jinn in the house

Al-Marsad Newspaper – Abdul Rahman Al-Zuhaifi, a researcher in metaphysics, spoke of signs indicating the presence of jinn in the room or house. And he said, through his account on “Tik Tok”, that the first sign is the feeling of chills in the body and your hair standing, adding that the second sign is feeling … Read more

Disclosure of the value of the fine for the homeowner who puts cones in front of his house • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad newspaper: The spokesman for the Municipality of Jeddah, “Mohammed Al-Baqami”, revealed that homeowners have no right to close the area adjacent to it, to prevent parking, pointing out that the street is a public right and is not affiliated with the ownership limits of home owners. According to “Okaz”, Al-Baqmi said, whoever commits this … Read more

Watch .. “Saudi Arabia” tells the details of the opening of 4 pharmacies and its sisters, and the reason for their mother’s resort to home mortgage

Al-Marsad newspaper: The pharmacist, Dr. Manar Al-Zeer, revealed the details of her and her three sisters opening 4 pharmacies, with the help of their mother, following she mortgaged the house. She said during an interview with “Al-Ekhbariya” channel: “Our mother suddenly told us that she had mortgaged the house and got a loan and rented … Read more

Watch .. a “specialist” reveals the causes of cracks in the walls… and calls for leaving the house in this case

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A real estate specialist revealed the reason for the appearance of cracks and cracks in the walls, indicating the need to hire an engineer or specialist to examine them when they appear in the house, even if it is new. And he explained, during a video clip, which he posted on his account … Read more