“Suspicious Deaths in Zegelsem: Details and Investigation Updates”

2023-04-24 05:26:09 The woman’s body was discovered around 5:15 p.m. in a street in Zegelsem, in front of her home. Firefighters were called and set up a tent to conceal the body. The man, who is probably the husband of the first victim, was discovered shortly following, not far away. The deaths are considered suspicious, … Read more

a father kills his five children, his wife and his mother-in-law before committing suicide

The first elements of the investigation “suggest that the suspect committed suicide following killing seven other people in the home”, explained in a press release the city of Enoch City in Utah where the tragedy took place. Police discovered the bodies Wednesday followingnoon following receiving a call asking them to check on the family’s condition, … Read more

An American broadcaster committed suicide before her wedding, and her last message to her fiancé reveals her motives

Al-Marsad Newspaper – Agencies: After the news of the suicide of the American news anchor, Nina Pachulky, weeks before her wedding, regarding a month ago, sparked a state of astonishment in the American street and among her family members, new details regarding her relationship with her future partner were revealed. The Wisconsin news anchor texted … Read more

two teachers died, the man killed his wife before committing suicide

Posted on Tuesday, September 20, 2022 at 11:14 a.m. This morning, a tragedy shakes the College of the Sacred Heart of Charleroi. The faculty tragically lost two teachers. The news broke this morning. Two professors from the College of the Sacred Heart of Charleroi have died. In a relationship for years, the man would have, … Read more

Posing as Ruby Lin’s daughter was exposed… Internet celebrity Holly passed on suicide and resurrected “opening to ask for condolence money” Her 187 words are sour | Entertainment | CTWANT

Internet celebrity Holly passed on suicide and resurrected. (Photo / Ruby Lin Facebook, Holly IG) Actress Ruby Lin previously accused someone who pretended to be an assistant Shanshan to go to a Kenting B&B to ask for a room. Later, someone pretended to be her concubine, calling herself Holly, and asking manufacturers for matching products, … Read more

India’s 13-day “4 actresses committed suicide one after another” death method is similar to super weird deceased parents charged with murder | International | CTWANT

Indian actress Palavidei committed suicide last month. (Picture / Retrieved from pallavey153 IG) In India, there have been a series of suicide cases of strange actresses. In just 13 days, four actresses were found to have committed suicide in a row. Two of them were friends for many years. The local police suspected that they … Read more

“The couple was experiencing difficulties and they were very bad at this situation”

Posted on Monday, February 28, 2022 at 6:51 p.m. By Arnaud Bishop On the night of Sunday to Monday, Michel killed his wife, Candice, and their two children, Julien and Lucas, before killing himself. The 40-year-old might not stand the separation. He left a note to “explain” these crazy gestures. Monday followingnoon, the Liège public … Read more