Good? Why not wealthy! 149 Latvian academicians eke out a depressing existence

“Autonomous topic of legislation” The Latvian Academy of Sciences (LAN) consists of members elected by the academicians themselves, which may be each our and overseas scientists, in addition to honorary members (“usually acknowledged religious figures of Latvia from different areas”). The “autonomous topic of legislation” is guided by its personal Constitution, which is adopted by … Read more

Residents of Latvia will be paid for wind generators near their homes

Compensations are provided for those households and municipalities that are located within a radius of two kilometers from wind turbines. Each turbine is expected to have a capacity of between 4 and 7 megawatts (MW). However, compensation will not apply to areas where wind turbines were previously installed. As Melnis reported, half of the compensation … Read more

Ukrainian Su-27 received an iPad to control Western weapons

US Deputy Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Logistics Bill LaPlante said that the use of tablets in the cockpits of Soviet aircraft can reduce the time to master new weapons. “Think regarding the planes that Kyiv has, and not even regarding the F-16. They have a lot of Soviet planes. Working with the Ukrainians, … Read more

For the first time, a cellular organelle capable of replacing fertilizers has been discovered

An international team of scientists has discovered the first nitrogen-fixing organelle inside a eukaryotic cell that can replace fertilizers. The discovery described in the article published in the journal Science, refutes the established idea that only bacteria are capable of taking nitrogen from the atmosphere and converting it into a form suitable for life. The … Read more

Criminals in Latvia will be given the right to change their first and last name

The Ministry of Justice has submitted to the government amendments to the law “On changing the name, surname and record of citizenship”, proposing to establish that persons convicted of a criminal offense, whose conviction has not been expunged or expunged, also have the right to change their name and surname as established by law ok. … Read more