Experts reveal 6 foods that you should avoid to maintain a healthy heart

Al-Marsad newspaper: Experts revealed 6 foods that you should avoid to maintain a healthy heart. They pointed out that you should be careful to avoid eating too much of some foods that have negative effects on your body, including: sweets Sweets are high in added sugar, which may contribute to increased risk factors for heart … Read more

RN senators rule out supporting a new Convention and point to a commission of experts | National

The bench of RN-independent senators pointed to a commission of experts to the detriment of a new Convention, to lead a new constitutional process. “We said that we are willing to work on a new Constitution, but I am in favor of it being drafted by experts,” said Juan Castro. The idea of ​​a new … Read more

Communication with foreign countries will be expensive – Newspaper Kommersant No. 166 (7367) of 09/09/2022

After the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine, the basic services of foreign roaming at Russian telecom operators rose by 5-40%, the cost of options – by 40-60%. Operators claim that the price increase affected a small number of subscribers and was due to the unstable ruble exchange rate. Experts believe that against the backdrop of … Read more

Experts: Mental health services in the Kingdom are below…

(MENAFN– Amman Net) In light of the difficult social and economic conditions that have cast a shadow over mental health on many individuals, mental health experts stress the importance of giving this file great importance in terms of providing awareness and health treatments necessary to avoid the aggravation of this problem. The Association of Psychiatrists … Read more

How foreign experts evaluate the new constitutional proposal | National

In a consultation carried out by DW, non-Chilean specialists examined the content of the constitutional proposal. In general, they consider that the text is a new opportunity for the country, although they admit certain reservations. Chileans will vote on September 4 whether or not they want a new Constitution. The “Rejection” option exceeds the “I … Read more

Described as a “genius trick”… Experts resolve the controversy over prick fingers to save a stroke sufferer

Al-Marsad newspaper: Experts and doctors have warned of the danger of what some are promoting as a “genius trick” to save a person from a stroke by pricking his fingers with a needle to let blood drain from them. They denied any relationship between the blood liquefaction from the fingers and the treatment of the … Read more

WHO vaccine experts to meet in October

Published on Thursday, August 25, 2022 at 5:13 p.m. Par Sudinfo with Belga WHO-mandated immunization experts will meet in October to assess monkeypox vaccines. In particular, they will look at the American and European decision to recommend split vaccination. The regulatory authorities of these two actors want to make it possible to immunize more people … Read more

Telemedicine did not fit Amazon – Business – Kommersant

Online retailer Amazon has taken the unexpected decision to close its Amazon Care telemedicine division. It provided corporate medical services, and the list of clients included Hilton and Silicon Labs. According to experts, the decision to close the service does not mean that Amazon has lost interest in the medical field – the company will … Read more