A Ukrainian is experiencing difficulties in Latvia – they don’t give him a passport from his personal nation

Ivan Ignatenko, collectively together with his dance companion Esther Anna Sileniece, gained the fitting to characterize Latvia on the World Sports activities Dance Championships in China. Nevertheless, for the second month now he has not been capable of renew his Ukrainian passport, which might enable him to journey exterior Latvia. Ivan and his mom got … Read more

Ukraine can mobilize about 10-20 thousand prisoners

BBC correspondents asked Malyuska to comment on the fact that previously only the Russian authorities were involved in the mobilization of prisoners to the front. “I would be blind if I didn’t see the parallel. Of course, there is a parallel,” the minister replied. — There is no need to deceive yourself, but we are … Read more

The Verkhovna Rada allowed sending prisoners to the front

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has allowed some categories of prisoners to voluntarily mobilize into the Armed Forces of Ukraine. On Wednesday, May 8, it adopted in the second reading a bill allowing the voluntary mobilization of some convicts. 279 deputies voted for the document. Participation in hostilities will not be allowed to prisoners who … Read more

Ukrainians of military age will no longer receive documents abroad

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine joined in the implementation of the new law on mobilization and ordered its consular offices to temporarily stop issuing any documents, except for a certificate for return, to male Ukrainian citizens of military age who are abroad. This was reported on Monday by the publication “Dzerkalo Tizhnya” (Mirror … Read more

Senator Graham called on MPs to step up mobilization – Washington Post

Lindsey Graham called on Ukrainian deputies to pass a law on mobilization. Member of the Republican Party and the US Senate Lindsey Graham, during his visit to Kyiv on March 18, called on Ukrainian deputies to adopt a new law on mobilization. Writes regarding this Washington Post. According to the publication, Graham called on Ukrainian … Read more

SMS Mobilization Notifications: Simplifying the Process for Russian Citizens

2023-06-06 18:23:24 An SMS message regarding a call for mobilization will not be a summons. About it declared Andrey Kartapolov, Chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee. “SMS is not an agenda, it’s just a notification that the agenda has been formed,” the deputy clarified on the air of the TV channel RBC. He noted … Read more

The influx of Russians is changing their host countries: they are building businesses, volunteering and trying to atone

On the day when The New York Times reporters visited it, a meditation band was playing indie group, a Muscovite family was selling homemade cosmetics, and a tattoo artist from St. Petersburg was concentrating on drawing someone’s arm. However, Tuf is located in the capital of Armenia. It was founded following the Russian invasion of … Read more