The Connection Between Astrology and Personality: Exploring the Most Affectionate Zodiac Signs

2023-12-19 11:15:00 Our personality It is our letter of introduction to the rest of society. Those who know us do so through how we behave, the way we think, our spirituality, whether we are happy or boring, how much we talk and whether we are lucky or not, among other traits. Astrology and personality. Source: … Read more

Oldest Patient Fitted with Bioprosthetic Arm: A Bionic Prosthetic Success Story

2023-12-17 09:16:50 Arm amputated due to cancer… Oldest patient fitted with bioprosthetic arm Entered 2023.12.17 18:16 Views 659 Entered 2023.12.17 18:16 Views 659 Christa Supert (84), who had her arm amputated due to cancer, became the oldest patient to be fitted with a biorobotic arm. [사진=영국 일간 더선(TheSun) 보도 내용 캡처]An 80-year-old woman who had … Read more

Personality Traits and Dementia Risk: How Negative Traits Increase the Risk

2023-12-02 07:01:32 The higher the negative personality traits, the higher the risk of dementia. Entered 2023.12.02 16:00 Views 414 Entered 2023.12.02 16:00 Modified 2023.12.01 16:41 Views 414 People with personality traits such as conscientiousness, extroversion, and positive affect were found to be less likely to be diagnosed with dementia than those with neuroticism and negative … Read more

The Impact of Friendship on Health: Increases Likelihood of Smoking and Drinking by 43% and 48%

2023-11-21 04:01:18 Increases the likelihood of smoking by 43% and the likelihood of drinking by 48% Entered 2023.11.21 13:00 Views 8 Entered 2023.11.21 13:00 Modified 2023.11.21 13:15 Views 8 Friendships were found to increase the likelihood of smoking by 43% and the likelihood of excessive drinking by 48%. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]There is a saying called ‘friendship … Read more

The Happiest Zodiac Signs: Astrology Reveals the Secrets to Finding Happiness

2023-11-05 11:10:00 Being happy has different meanings for people, depending on the Zodiac sign under which they were born. The Astrology has been in charge of revealing it by giving the characteristic details of each person’s personality and the way in which they face the different circumstances of life, according to their date of birth. … Read more

12 Constellation’s best girlfriends pairing Are you and your girlfriends suitable? _Leo_girl_personality

2023-07-08 23:32:00 Original Title: 12 Constellation Best Girlfriend Matches Are You and Your Girlfriend Compatible? There are always one or two trustworthy girlfriends around you who make you feel warm. Maybe they grew up playing with each other as children, maybe they met at school or work. No matter how we met, it is really … Read more

Son Yejin’s college-style style is youthful and beautiful with a sweet smile_Fashion_Glamour_Fashion Week

2023-07-06 09:00:00 Original title: Son Yejin’s college style looks youthful, beautiful, sweet and full of energy On July 5, 2023 local time, in Paris, France, Son Yejin’s preppy suit style appeared at the Valentino show at Paris Fashion Week. This visual feast became the focus of everyone’s attention, which aroused praise and applause from countless … Read more