The Impact of Parents’ Mental Health on Their Children: Surprising Findings on Fathers’ Influence

2023-12-16 11:00:47 A mother’s anxiety and depression have a negative impact on her children. Entered 2023.12.16 20:00 Views 16 Entered 2023.12.16 20:00 Modified 2023.12.16 13:10 Views 16 It turns out that slightly anxious and depressed fathers raise smarter and more polite children. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]There is a saying that children learn by watching their parents. This means … Read more

The Power of Exercise: Preventing and Treating Postpartum Depression

2023-12-02 08:30:53 1 in 8 suffers from postpartum depression… Prevention and treatment effects through exercise Entered 2023.12.02 17:30 Views 19 Entered 2023.12.02 17:30 Modified 2023.12.02 16:53 Views 19 Research results have shown that exercise is effective in preventing and treating postpartum depression, which can easily occur after giving birth. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Pregnancy and childbirth are very joyful … Read more

The Impact of Friendship on Health: Increases Likelihood of Smoking and Drinking by 43% and 48%

2023-11-21 04:01:18 Increases the likelihood of smoking by 43% and the likelihood of drinking by 48% Entered 2023.11.21 13:00 Views 8 Entered 2023.11.21 13:00 Modified 2023.11.21 13:15 Views 8 Friendships were found to increase the likelihood of smoking by 43% and the likelihood of excessive drinking by 48%. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]There is a saying called ‘friendship … Read more

6 Danger Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore: When to Seek Medical Help ASAP

2023-10-23 09:11:33 “If major symptoms such as sweat, fever, cold, upset stomach, loss of appetite, and depression are severe, it is advisable to go to the hospital as soon as possible.” Entered 2023.10.23 18:10 Views 3 Entered 2023.10.23 18:10 Modified 2023.10.23 15:04 Views 3 If you feel irritated and depressed for no reason, you should … Read more

Quick Ways to Calm Your Nervous System: Shaking, Sunlight, Breathing, Cold Water, ASMR, & Humming

2023-10-22 10:30:18 Soothe the nervous system that goes into fight mode… Ice in cold water, ASMR, humming, etc. also help. Entered 2023.10.22 19:30 Views 4 Entered 2023.10.22 19:30 Modified 2023.10.22 09:22 Views 4 When your emotions suddenly surge, you can control them by shaking your arms and legs or looking at the sun. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]When there … Read more