Consequences and Rehabilitation of Traumatic Brain Injuries: Expert Advice and Help for Patients and Families

2023-12-03 08:03:00 Baierbrunn (ots) – Traffic accidents, sports injuries, falls at home: the causes of a traumatic brain injury are different. About 90 percent of injuries treated in the emergency room are classified as minor, while only ten percent are classified as moderate or severe. Nevertheless, writes the health magazine “Apotheken Umschau”, those affected can … Read more

Shocking Car Bumper Destruction Caught on Camera: Help Solve the Mystery!

2023-09-29 16:50:00 David Van Ranst, 50, did not expect such a discovery when he went to look for his car in Belsele. His bumper was completely destroyed. of videos And it was his partner who told him the bad news, while he had gone to work on a motorbike. He explains au Nieuwsblad : “An … Read more

Emilie Dupuis Wedding: An Unforgettable South of France Celebration

2023-09-20 08:54:46 Last weekend, Émilie Dupuis said “yes” to her darling Jeremy, under the eyes of around fifty guests. Everyone had traveled to the south of France for the occasion. Read also “I want to cry, I want to go home”: a guest well known to RTL viewers did not have an easy return following … Read more

Outrageous Hospital Bills for International Travelers: Estée’s Story and How to Negotiate Lower Costs

2023-08-12 12:42:54 Estée, a 26-year-old Belgian, traveled to the United States and had the misfortune to develop kidney stones there. Hospitalized, she was subsequently billed an amount of 51,000 dollars, or 46,000 euros. An astronomical sum for this young woman who has mutual insurance in Belgium! But according to the Newspaperhis health insurance no longer … Read more

Berlin Lioness Sighting: Expert Analysis and the Search for the Truth

2023-07-22 10:45:00 A shaky video, police hundreds and big cat experts: the sighting of an alleged lioness has been occupying the German capital for days. First, politicians and the police confirmed that the animal was probably a big cat. The all-clear followed shortly followingwards. Experts analyzed that the shape of the creature’s body on the … Read more

Origins of Iraqis: Exploring the Saudi Arabian Connection and Arab Heritage

2023-07-15 16:58:29 Al-Marsad Newspaper: An Iraqi politician said that the Iraqis are originally from Saudi Arabia, as it is a neighboring country and a brother to Iraq. And the politician added, in a video clip: Saudi Arabia is a neighboring and brotherly country, and we Iraqis are originally from Saudi Arabia, and today half of … Read more

“The keys were in the ignition… and I had to pick up my daughter in Brussels”

Qasim was sentenced to 1 year in absentia for the theft of the Ford Fiesta. He came back to explain himself on opposition. And his explanations struggle to convince: “The keys were on the ignition. I got in the car and went to Uccle to pick up my daughter”. A happy “chance” for a forty-year-old … Read more

Search for Lisa-Maria: 16-year-old from Mödling missing since the end of January – Austria

8.03.2023 09:28 (Akt. 8.03.2023 09:28) Who saw 16-year-old Lisa-Maria? ©private 16-year-old Lisa Maria R. from Mödling has been missing since the end of January. The girl might be in Vienna, the police are asking for information. In Lower Austria, a 16-year-old has been considered missing for more than a month. According to police reports on … Read more