Belgian Weather Warnings and Forecasts: Stay Prepared with IRM Code Alerts

2023-11-30 18:30:00 It will freeze quite well everywhere in the evening and the following night under a partly starry sky and even a risk of one or another shower of sleet or snow on the coastal strip. The minimums will reach 0° along the seaside, -2 to -6° in the interior of the country and … Read more

Accurate Weather Forecast and Updates: Clear Spells, Wind, and Temperature Trends for the Week

2023-10-27 17:45:00 Clear spells will develop from the French border around midday and will spread to the rest of the regions in the followingnoon. There will also be a slight wind which will blow from the south to southwest with peaks of 45-55 km/h. In terms of temperatures we will have no reason to complain … Read more

Weather Forecast: Rain, Clouds & Cold Fronts – Weekend and Week Ahead Updates

2023-10-12 18:00:00 The sky will be divided between sometimes beautiful clearings over the south-eastern half and lots of clouds giving some rain in the followingnoon over the north-western half of the country. This very rainy cold front will activate in the evening and during the night with precipitation in all regions of between 10 and … Read more

The Hottest Year on Record: Global Average Temperature in 2023 Surpasses Pre-Industrial Levels

2023-10-05 17:42:00 The global average temperature since January is the warmest ever measured over the first nine months of the year, 1.40°C above the climate of the 1850s-1900s and closer than ever to the most ambitious limit of the Paris agreement (1.5°C over several years), according to the monthly report from the European Copernicus observatory … Read more

Maximizing the Benefits of Air Conditioning: An Economical Investment for All Seasons

2023-09-30 10:03:39 Air conditioning, an economical and useful investment, even following summer? By Coralie Lambret Everyone knows air conditioning as a great device to keep you cooler in summer. But in reality, these installations have many other advantages, notably economic and comfort. A professional refrigeration engineer explains to us. It’s still very hot this Sunday, … Read more

Weather Forecast: Hot and Stormy Week Ahead, Cooling Down by Midweek

2023-09-08 16:55:00 Our weather has depended for several days on an anticyclone which is currently centered on the border between Europe and Russia. This system continues to send us very dry and very hot continental air coming from the Alps and northern Italy where daytime temperatures flirt with or even exceed the 30° mark. During … Read more

Weather Forecast: Sunny and Warm with Morning Fog and Low Clouds – Videos and Updates

2023-09-01 18:00:00 This type of evolution favors very calm conditions in an atmosphere that is still humid, which announces the formation of numerous low clouds and fog during the night and in the morning. These will be especially numerous in Flanders and the Ardennes but will most often dissipate before noon to give way to … Read more