Neurons report infection to the brain

Tired, no appetite, simply sick: whether we have the flu or a nasty rhinovirus, all infections actually have some general symptoms in common. This stereotypical “being sick” is not caused by the infection – rather, the brain actively creates this condition itself when it learns that a virus is up to mischief. As now reported … Read more

Predicting neuropathy ten years before onset – Heilpraxis

Blood lipid profiles indicate the development of neuropathy A special Patterns of blood lipid profiles can be as early as ten years before the emergence of diabetic neuropathy, a nerve damage that often occurs in diabetes, indicate a disturbance in a signaling pathway that ultimately leads to the neuropathy. Exercise and a healthy diet help … Read more

Morton Neuroma • Metatarsal nerve pain

A Morton’s neuroma is an inflammatory thickening of the metatarsal nerves. It is triggered by overuse and is accompanied by severe pain in the metatarsus and toes. Shoe inserts, physiotherapy, and/or cortisone injections often provide relief, and minor surgery may be necessary in some cases. © Getty Images/Suriyawut Suriya/EyeEm At a glance: Foot pain: The … Read more

How vitamin B12 affects Alzheimer’s

news Vegans and vegetarians are at increased risk by IDW/SRH (21.09.2022) Vitamin B12 is involved in a large number of important metabolic processes that contribute, among other things, to blood formation, cell division and nerve function. A vitamin B12 deficiency also occurs in western populations, the risk increases with age, so it is estimated that … Read more

Relieve pain without medication – Implantable cooling could help – Heilpraxis

Fight pain without drugs A small, soft and flexible implant has now been developed which is able to To relieve pain when needed without the use of medication. After use, the device is simply powered off body absorbed. In a new study involving experts from Northwestern University an implantable, bioresorbable, microfluidic device was presented, which … Read more

Corona: Each further reinfection increases the risk of Long Covid

At least since the emergence of the omicron wave, it has been clear: you can get corona despite vaccination, and quite often several times. But is this the normal course of events with a virus that affects the respiratory system and not a cause for concern because the infection is becoming more harmless as some … Read more

Intermittent Fasting to Cure Nerve Damage – Healing Practice

Improved recovery from nerve damage through nutrition Through intermittent fasting and the resulting change in the activity of the intestinal bacteria could stimulate the so-called axonal regeneration, so that the Significantly improved recovery of damaged nerves. In a recent study involving experts from Imperial College London (UCL) showed that intermittent fasting promotes axonal regeneration after … Read more