the astonishing discovery of this observatory which could change your habits!

Specialized shops also offer many more products of Belgian origin. of videos The specialized organic and bulk food sector suffered in 2022, as inflation and energy prices likely pushed many consumers to turn to mass retailers. However, a basket of 21 organic products analyzed by the networks of professionals in the sector Biowallonia and ConsomAction … Read more

Towards a new peak in temperatures this summer? Experts warn of El Nino phenomenon that could make 2023 ‘the hottest year on record’

Thanks to La Nina, a weather phenomenon that tends to lower the temperature of the oceans and has been raging since 2020, the warming has been mitigated a little in the last year. Still, the years 2021 and 2022 were warmer than any year before 2015, the UN’s World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said in its … Read more

Is a revolution possible on our roads? Researchers think a fourth color on traffic lights could change everything!

According to the magazine “Popular Mechanics”, researchers at North Carolina State University are in favor of a revolution on our roads for the future. According to them, a fourth color should be added to the traffic lights. The goal ? This would make traffic flow more smoothly on roads where “self-driving” cars drive. of videos … Read more

here’s why it could have a huge impact on Belgium in the coming weeks

An exceptional meteorological phenomenon occurred in the upper layers of the atmosphere. According to information from the Gazet van Antwerpen, scientists speak of a “sudden stratospheric warming”, during which the temperature above the North Pole rose sharply. This may have an impact on our weather in the weeks to come! of videos “The sudden and … Read more

New Study Reveals Common Pill Can Lower Cholesterol By 70%

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A research team discovered that the soy product reduces high cholesterol and other fat levels by up to 70%. Soybeans were also able to reduce the risk of metabolic diseases such as fatty liver disease and atherosclerosis, which separates the accumulation of fats in the blood vessels. The team looked at 19 types … Read more

Delaying breakfast until this hour can add 20 years to one’s life • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A doctor revealed that limiting food intake for eight hours can help live a longer and healthier life. According to Dr. Julia Jones, neuroscientist and author of F-Bomb Longevity Made Easy, starting your day with breakfast at 11am promotes longevity. This eating protocol can help lower your risk of serious health problems, such … Read more

Giving Millions of iPhone Owners Access to Siri Tricks…

History 1/18/2023 11:23:54 PM (MENAFN– Youm7) Apple’s intelligent assistant Siri has some new tricks. The voice-controlled virtual assistant installed on all Apple devices can perform a number of fun tasks – like casting Harry Potter spells. But Apple taught Siri how to make the iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch experience hands-free. Siri can also convert … Read more