The Truth About Bananas for Breakfast: What You Need to Know

2023-11-19 10:10:18 Al-Marsad newspaper: Doctors revealed that although bananas are full of potassium and vitamin B6, as well as being free of cholesterol and sodium, they are not ideal as the first meal in the morning. Nutritionist Darryl Giuffre said that although bananas seem like a good choice in the morning, they are not good … Read more

The Effects of Eating an Orange on an Empty Stomach: Risks and Side Effects

2023-11-05 07:48:32 Al-Marsad newspaper: Oranges are considered one of the acidic winter fruits rich in vitamins and minerals, which enhance the health of the body. Regarding what happens to you if you eat an orange on an empty stomach, the following is mentioned: 1- Gastritis: Citrus fruits, such as oranges, increase acid production in the … Read more

Unlocking the Health Benefits of Jelly: Insights from Dr. Fahd Al-Khudairi, Carcinogen Research Specialist

2023-11-03 22:04:50 Al-Marsad newspaper: Dr. Fahd Al-Khudairi, a specialist in carcinogen research, revealed the benefits of jelly. He said during a tweet posted on his account on the “X” platform: “Jelly is considered a soluble fiber that fights constipation and coats the stomach and intestines with a gelatinous layer that prevents the harshness of some … Read more

The Dangers of Eating Clay: Expert Insights and Necessary Treatment

2023-11-03 16:10:16 Al-Marsad newspaper: Dr. Bedaya Al-Anzi, Obstetrics and Gynecology Consultant, commented on the spread of a video clip of a woman eating clay. She said during an interview with the “Sayidaty” program broadcast on Rotana Khalijiya channel: “Some people eat strange things such as clay, dirt, chalk, and manicure, and this indicates a psychological … Read more

Slow and Mindful Eating: The Key to Unlocking Health Benefits and Preventing Metabolic Syndrome

2023-10-29 03:24:00 Keypoint: Have you ever tried to notice yourself? When eating, do we chew thoroughly enough? And how fast do you eat? Because most people live their lives in a hurry. This has resulted in the way people eat today. Eating quickly has a negative effect on the body’s health, causing Metabolic Syndrome, a … Read more

The Hidden Risks of Nutritional Supplements: 4 Supplements to Avoid for Heart Health

2023-10-25 14:33:00 The use of nutritional supplements is not without risks, according to what doctors confirm, because they may cause negative complications that harm humans. Therefore, some cardiologists advise caution against using 4 nutritional supplements, especially for people who are under medical treatment, or who seek to improve heart health. In a recent article published … Read more

The Impact of Coffee on Medications: What You Should Know

2023-09-30 10:10:06 Al-Marsad newspaper: Experts revealed the most prominent medications that should not be taken with coffee, noting the need to wait at least an hour before taking them. Experts explained that these medications are: – Blood pressure medications These medications usually slow the heart rate, reducing the heart’s workload in pumping blood to all … Read more

Discover the Health Benefits of Eating Green Bananas for Colon Cancer Prevention

2023-09-29 05:53:59 Al-Marsad newspaper: Nutrition experts said that eating bananas before they are fully ripe has a great benefit in protecting against colon cancer. For his part, nutrition expert Michael Mosley explained, “Green bananas contain starch that does not break down easily in the intestines, but acts more like fiber. This type of starch does … Read more