“It’s something we have to be mindful of…”

Published on Thursday, February 10, 2022 at 8:37 p.m. The Red Devils coach said he was worried regarding seeing some of his players change clubs this summer, just months before the start of the Qatari World Cup. Stability, a guarantee of success and success according to Roberto Martinez, the coach of the Red Devils. In … Read more

Cheaper but more dangerous ‘smart highways’ in the UK

The British government is taking a break in the development of its “Smart highways”. “Although our initial data shows that smart highways are among the safest roads in the UK, it is crucial that we go further to ensure people feel safer using them”, the Minister of Transport, Grant Shapps, said on Wednesday January 12 … Read more

This is how youth mortgages are | My finances section

The acquisition of a home by young people is almost a mirage. There are two major insurmountable obstacles on the path that would lead them to achieve this goal: low wages and low savings capacity, which severely limits them when requesting financing to acquire a property where they can establish their home. In this way, … Read more

Video of the detachment of a rock that falls on tourists in Brazil – International

At least five people died and 20 are missing when a huge rocky wall of a canyon fell on Saturday on some tourist boats in a lake in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, which has suffered a heavy rainstorm in recent days. The commander of the Minas Gerais Fire Department, Edgard Estevo, reported at … Read more

Prosecutor’s Office begins investigation for the crime of abuse of a police officer against a minor detained in Chillán | National

An ex officio investigation for the crime of abuse once morest individuals, confirmed the Ñuble Regional Prosecutor’s Office following the police procedure, where a police officer, now disengaged, violently threw a 15-year-old girl who was detained from the police patrol to the ground. The situation raised questions regarding the non-compliance with the protocols. The Ñuble … Read more

Fewer journalists killed in 2021 but a grim record in Asia

Forty-five journalists and media professionals were assassinated in 2021, a third less than the previous year (65), but the toll is particularly heavy in Asia, especially in Afghanistan, according to a report by the International Federation of Journalists. (IFJ), published on December 31, 2021. “This figure of 45 represents one of the lowest records since … Read more