Netherlands: King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima visit a cattle farm PHOTO – 2024-07-17 05:17:29

The Queen of the Netherlands, Maximum and the king Willem Alexander always stylish, impress during their visit to a cattle farm in the north of the country, according to the German network n-tv. Apart from their official appearances at important events and meetings with heads of state and government, this time the royal couple was … Read more They will increase the safety of Plavinska HPP

Since the current maximum capacity of the Plavinas hydroelectric power station (HPP) on the Daugava may be exceeded, construction work is planned at the station to create a reserve spillway capable of providing an additional capacity of at least 4,000 cubic meters per second, writes Latvijas Avīze. “The spillway is a special bypass channel through … Read more

The Latvian government was allowed to live beyond its means

On April 30 of this year, the Cabinet of Ministers instructed the Ministry of Finance to prepare and submit to the Cabinet of Ministers, by September 12, 2024, amendments to the law on fiscal discipline (LDL), which increase the maximum permissible structural deficit from 0.5% of gross domestic product (GDP) to 1 % of GDP. … Read more

The maximum speed limit in Latvia will increase from May 1

The maximum speed on the Jurmala highway (A10) from Riga to Jurmala is planned to be increased to 110 km/h. On three sections – Daugavpils highway (A6) from Salaspils to Ikskile, Tinužsko-Koknese highway (P80) from Ogresgala to Koknese and Jelgava highway (A8) from Riga to Jaunolaine – speeds of up to 100 km/h will be … Read more

An information campaign has been launched for older people to avoid scams

LSKA said that older people are the group of the population that most often can become victims of fraudsters. “If an elderly person receives a message on his smartphone or email, for example, allegedly from the State Revenue Service, e-health, or a notification that a case has been filed once morest him, which is planned … Read more

Indian Wells Masters 2024: Ball in, Alcaraz’s maximum to compensate against Marozsan | Tennis | Sports

The psychological component, so damned in this matter of tennis, in everything really, provides a radically different scenario than ten months ago at the Foro Italico in Rome. This time, the one who is slowly falling apart is Fabian Marozsan, the boy who signed one of the great bells of last year, the surprise, when … Read more

European gas demand will never recover

2023-11-08 05:55:17 Officials in Europe boast of overflowing gas storage facilities. While publicly demonstrating the “achievement” from its outer side, they deliberately hide the reasons for the overflow of reservoirs – no one simply needs gas for two reasons: high cost and lack of demand for fuel. Representatives of the French energy giant Engie spoke … Read more

Danone Launches Exclusive 6-Week Alpro Plant Promotional Campaign in Belgium, With Prices as Low as 2 Euros!

2023-11-05 10:45:31 It’s a surprise and very good news for all Belgian customers! As written RetailDetail on its website, Danone has decided to strike hard in our country. To boost its Alpro plant category, the brand is launching a six-week promotional campaign in our country. of videos To do this, Danone communicates a maximum price … Read more