Green beans improve blood pressure and cholesterol levels – healing practice

Why green beans should be on the table more often In the Advent and Christmas season, many people treat themselves to very special dishes. However, many of the typical meals at this time are not necessarily healthy. Who on green beans sets, however, does nothing wrong. Among other things, these have positive effects on the … Read more

Roast pumpkin seeds with valuable ingredients yourself – healing practice

Homemade roasted pumpkin seeds: snacks with important nutrients For Halloween, there were numerous again in this country pumpkins hollowed out If you didn’t throw away the seeds, you can make a healthy one from them munchies create: pumpkin seeds stuck full of valuable ingredients and they can be easily the voice. that one Diet with … Read more

“Health Network” is not only for beauty!Nutritionists share 5 secrets of cherries – LOHAS Diet – Free Health Network

Nutritionists say that cherries are rich in nutrients that can reduce oxidative stress in the body, improve chronic inflammation and regulate blood pressure. (Picture taken from freepik) [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Cherry is rich in nutrients and has a good effect on beauty and beauty. Nutritionist Zhou Yiying posted on Facebook fan page “Angel C. Zhou Yiying … Read more

Eating too much salt increases the mortality rate by 20%. 1 type of salt-removing food relaxes blood vessels and lowers blood pressure | high blood pressure | potassium | kidney disease

Eating too salty, taking too muchSaltpoints, in the long run it will causehypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and other diseases. Fortunately, there is “salt-removing food“It can help the body lighten the load. highSaltDiet increases mortality and may also lead to 5 chronic diseases People often hear that you should eat less salt and not too … Read more

Learn about the causes of fainting that accompanies sweating and nausea and methods of treatment

Sweating, nausea, or feeling as if you are about to faint, or the so-called prescyncope, is a condition that precedes the occurrence of fainting and is accompanied by a feeling of warmth, weakness, rapid heartbeat, or blurry vision, and according to what was published on the webmd website, there are several causes of fainting that … Read more

Health Benefits for the Heart, Eyes and Immune System – Healing Practice

Pumpkin: The Health Benefits of This Superfood It is generally considered a vegetable, but pumpkin is actually a fruit and a savory food that is full of health benefits plugged. That Superfood can have a positive impact on that, among other things Herzdie Eyes and the immune system affect. The nutritionist Julia Zumpano lists in … Read more

Why should you not eat bananas on an empty stomach in the morning?

Contain the banana It is high in potassium, which is one of the salts necessary for bodily functions such as pH balance, water balance in our bodies, blood pressure, digestion and even muscle contraction. To think when you are in a hurry, some nutrition experts are quick to point out the side effects of eating … Read more