The head of the Integrity Commission pledges forthcoming prayers against corruption and corruptors

The Integrity Commission said, in a statement received by Alsumaria News, that “the head of the Federal Integrity Commission and the French ambassador to Iraq discussed strengthening cooperation between the two countries in the field of combating corruption and recovering the proceeds of corruption smuggled abroad.” According to the statement, Hanoun stressed, during his meeting … Read more

Outputs of the meeting of the Minister of Interior and the Governor of Wasit (video)

Alsumaria News – Localities Today, Thursday, the Minister of Interior, Abd al-Amir al-Shammari, discussed with the governor of Wasit, Muhammad Jamil al-Mayahi, security plans and procedures in the province. Al-Shammari said in a press conference attended by Al-Sumaria correspondent, “We discussed with the governor of Wasit during our visit to the province all the security … Read more

Air traffic stopped in America after the federal computers crashed

And the US Civil Aviation Administration confirmed that “there are attempts to fix technical faults to resume air traffic.” And the Associated Press reported that flights across the United States were delayed after a computer system outage at the Federal Aviation Administration. It stated that “At approximately 6:30 EST, there were 760 delays to flights … Read more

In pictures.. The Sumerian lens wanders in the Basra Civilization Museum

Alsumaria News publishes pictures of the Basra Civilization Museum, which is located in the presidential palace complex on the banks of the Shatt al-Arab. Basra is currently hosting the Arabian Gulf Cup with the participation of eight teams, including Iraq. Below are photos of the museum. Alsumaria Tv

The Hajj Authority calls on Umrah companies to reduce wages for pilgrims

The authority stated, in a statement received by Alsumaria News, that “after the deliberation of the head of the authority, Sami Al-Masoudi, with the Saudi side during his visit to the Kingdom, the insurance amounts imposed on pilgrims and pilgrims were reduced.” She added, “The insurance for Umrah performers was reduced from (235 riyals to … Read more

Planning counts the number of completed and stopped schools and makes a request for contracting methods

The ministry stated, in a statement received by Alsumaria News, that “the number of continuing and completed schools within the investment curriculum and the regional development program reached 6,706 schools,” indicating that “the continuing and completed schools were distributed among the governorates, by: (1.23) a school in Baghdad. (641) School in Dhi Qar. (347) A … Read more