DYPA: Functions for coaching the unemployed in inexperienced expertise start – 2024-06-09 00:31:47

Functions for DYPA’s new inexperienced expertise acquisition and improve program open on June 6, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. In keeping with a associated press launch, the appliance course of will stay energetic till the accessible 25,000 positions are stuffed. This system is carried out throughout the framework of the Nationwide Restoration and Resilience Plan “Greece … Read more

The gathering of signatures has begun for the supply of assistant providers for folks with disabilities

The portal of public initiatives “manabalss.lv” is gathering signatures to make sure that all disabled folks of the first and 2nd teams have entry to an assistant. The creator of the initiative is Raimonds Leinieks-Puke, a member of the board of the Latvian Society for the Safety of the Pursuits of the Unemployed and Job … Read more

Jobless quantity falls beneath 900,000 for first time since 2011 – 2024-05-28 16:20:11

Along with his common put up, the prime minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, during which he presents the weekly report of the federal government, he referred to the problems of present political affairs, within the particular interval simply earlier than the European elections. Good morning! We’re two weeks earlier than the European elections of June 9, and … Read more

They got up on 7th but they are still at the intersection of 8th and 51st

2023-11-14 14:05:00 And group of unemployed people cut off routes keys for traffic in the area of Vaca Muerta. Since this morning, they blocked Route 7 and the intersection that occurs at the roundregarding of Routes 8 and 51. There are schools in Añelo that are suspending classes during the morning because the teachers cannot … Read more

The PTB: A Comprehensive Guide to Their Policies and Stances on Elections, War, and Social Issues

2023-11-12 05:00:00 By V.Li. Published on 11/11/2023 at 7:00 p.m. The elections are on, are you going to poach anyone? “It’s not really our habit. We are an anti-system party. We will have unionists on our lists. For the other parties, it is more normal because they have common ideas. » Are you already in … Read more

Managing Inflation, Tax Reforms, and Artificial Intelligence in Belgium – Insights from Bruno Colmant

2023-10-30 07:45:00 Furthermore, Bruno Colmant recalls that Belgium is a country which “consumes more energy than other countries”. Inflation forecast for 2024 therefore risks impacting Belgians’ portfolios. A considerable barrier remains the indexation of salaries but some are raising the idea of ​​giving it up. For Bruno Colmant, this is not a solution: “The idea … Read more

Challenges of Unemployment: Overcoming Job Market Evolution and Societal Stigmatization

2023-09-12 04:37:00 Exactly. I worked in accounting, I have a bookkeeper diploma. But when I respond to an ad for a vacant position, employers are more demanding and prefer to hire someone who has a bachelor’s degree in accounting. Which I don’t have. However, in 14 years, you have had time to train or specialize… … Read more

Addressing Unemployment: Accompanying, Supporting, and Offering Opportunities

2023-09-04 09:08:45 Getting the unemployed back on the job market is a big issue that keeps coming up in the news. Invited this morning by our colleagues from Bel RTL, Willy Borsus, was questioned in particular on unemployment and the care of job seekers. of videos For the Minister of the Economy, it “must be … Read more