Indigestion, should not be left unattended… Causes and solutions

Many people complain of indigestion symptoms such as abdominal pain and bloating after eating. What kind of disease is indigestion that is easy to ignore because it is a common symptom? Learn everything about indigestion, from the types of indigestion to how to prevent it. functional dyspepsiaIndigestion is largely divided into functional dyspepsia and organic … Read more

“The Tiger” resolves the controversy over the cause of death after the stimulating dose of exercise

Al-Marsad newspaper: Dr. Khaled Al-Nimr, a consultant and professor of cardiology and arterial catheterization, denied the validity of what was stated in a letter claiming that exercising after receiving a booster dose of the anti-Coronavirus vaccine may lead to death. The message included that any person with corona, or who received the booster dose, does … Read more

These are the consequences of excessive exercise – Health

Many factors go into determining what is considered excess exercise, since it not only depends on the number of hours a day dedicated to sports. (Keep reading: Why 10 minutes of exercise a day could save your life) Excessive physical exercise is considered when a person exercises beyond the capacity of performance of your organism. … Read more

Exercise helps delay Parkinson’s

It is true that the exercise should be vital in the lives of all people, since it helps physical and mental well-being, however, a study showed that being active for a couple of minutes on a daily basis could be particularly effective for patients suffering from Parkinson. During this degenerative disease, dopamine-producing cells in the … Read more

North Korea launches another missile and increases tension in its seventh pulse of the month | International

North Korea re-launched an intermediate-range ballistic missile on Sunday, the seventh test this month. which reaffirms its intention to reinforce national defenses in the midst of an escalation of tension in the region. Both the South Korean army and the Japanese Ministry of Defense considered that the projectile launched today by the regime is a … Read more

Mental health is more important than physical health after Jhonier Leal case

Likewise, he said that, although the mental and physical health They go very hand in hand, they are totally different elements, because eating a balanced diet and constant physical activity, even if regulate emotional calm and stress loads, does not imply that it includes in a mental strengthening to a situation of extreme desolation. “You … Read more