Understanding the Cause of Psoriasis and Effective Treatments – Expert Advice from Khaled Al-Barqawi

2023-12-06 22:51:15 Al-Marsad newspaper: Content creator and specialist Khaled Al-Barqawi revealed the cause of psoriasis and how to treat it. He said during a video clip: “Psoriasis is not a skin disease. It consists of spots and leads to very severe itching. After researching it, it is the immune system attacking itself, and the main … Read more

How to Protect and Moisturize Your Skin in Cold Weather: Essential Tips and Tricks

2023-11-12 08:11:00 Biting wind, cold weather… rough and rough skin, reduce irritation and take care of moisturizing Entered 2023.11.12 17:10 Views 29 Entered 2023.11.12 17:10 Modified 2023.11.12 17:11 Views 29 In cold and bitter weather, you need to make an effort to drink enough water to prevent your skin from being damaged by the cold … Read more

Vitamin D Deficiency and Psoriasis: Research and Clinical Nutrition

2023-11-08 15:58:01 Al-Marsad newspaper: Eunyoung Cho, a dermatologist at Brown University in the United States, revealed, according to research he conducted on 500 cases with the help of his colleagues, that vitamin D deficiency is linked to a significant increase in the severity of psoriasis, and they indicated that vitamin D plays a role in … Read more

Understanding Psoriasis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

2023-10-29 07:00:00 Fatima Khalil wrote Sunday, October 29, 2023 09:00 AM On October 29 of each year, the world celebrates World Psoriasis Day to raise awareness of this disease. And psoriasis It is a chronic inflammatory skin condition characterized by the presence of clearly defined red, scaly plaques. In this report, we learn regarding the … Read more

Understanding the Link Between Psoriasis Severity and Vitamin D Levels: Expert Recommendations and Treatment Options

2023-07-29 23:00:00 Written by Enas Al-Banna, Sunday, July 30, 2023 02:00 AM The main symptoms of psoriasis and this autoimmune disorder are patches of inflamed, scaly, dry skin. The affected areas can be itchy and may be painful for some people. Psoriasis can range from mild to severe, according to the Healthsite scalp psoriasis Only … Read more

Revolutionary Oral Treatment for Psoriasis Approved by British Medicines Agency – Clear Up 75% of Psoriatic Rashes with Diocravacatinib

2023-07-03 23:50:09 translation exclusiveThe British Medicines Agency has approved diocravacatinib for the treatment of the itchy skin condition psoriasis. According to the British Daily Mail, a pill called diocravacatinib has been assigned to patients with moderate to severe forms of psoriasis. And diocravacitinib has been shown in clinical trials to clear up regarding three-quarters of … Read more

Treating Psoriatic Arthritis: Cold, Bran Bath, and Breathing Therapy | NDR.de – Guide

Status: 02/28/2023 12:34 p.m In psoriatic arthritis, psoriasis occurs in combination with rheumatism. The Natur-Docs use natural therapies to relieve inflammation in the skin and joints. Psoriasis rheumatism (psoriatic arthritis) describes a form of psoriasis in which inflammatory joint diseases also occur. The chronic inflammation, which is manifested by painful, stiff and swollen joints, often … Read more

Psoriasis and sexual intercourse – tips to help patients practice intimate relationship

06:02 PM Wednesday October 19 2022 I wrote – Hoda Abdel Nasser: Some people with psoriasis find it very difficult to have intercourse, especially if symptoms, such as rashes and crusts, are more common near the genitals. In the following lines, “Consulto” reviews tips that help psoriasis patients practice intimacy, according to the “WebMD” website. … Read more