Meloni-Draghi, the strange couple for Europe –

Augusto Minzolini March 22, 2024 On Wednesday, in front of the Montecitorio snack bar, while the debate is taking place in the chamber on the eve of the European Council, the Minister for Relations with Parliament, Luca Ciriani, takes stock of the major maneuvers preparing the nomination of the new president of the EU Commission … Read more

European Commission Releases Ten Billion Euros to Hungary: Latest Updates and Implications

2023-12-13 17:58:09 The European Commission has released the payment of ten billion euros to Hungary, which had previously been blocked due to the lack of rule of law in the country. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s government has taken the necessary steps to justify the release of the funds, according to Brussels. However, additional budget funds … Read more

FPÖ – Mayer: “Details of the procurement of the corona vaccine are deliberately concealed!” Liberal Parliament Club

2023-07-12 15:26:45 “The report passed by the COVID special committee is unsatisfactory for the FPÖ, since the role of EU Commission President von der Leyen in procuring vaccines has not been clarified” Vienna (OTS) – “The details of the EU procurement of the corona vaccine are apparently deliberately being concealed,” said the Liberal MEP Georg … Read more

ACEA Defends Against Euro 7 Proposal: High Costs and Neglected Indirect Impact – Find Out More on our Website

2023-05-23 07:00:00 With the expected clear words, the European Association of Automobile Manufacturers ACEA defends itself today once morest the present draft of the EU Commission for the new emission limits for passenger cars. The Euro 7 proposal would result in direct costs four to six times higher than the costs indicated by the Commission. … Read more

Day 485 of War: Zelenskyj’s Progress on the Southern Front | Air Alert, Dam Collapse, and Child Killings in Ukraine

2023-06-23 00:33:57 Day 485 since the beginning of the war: Zelenskyj sees progress on the southern front. The Ukrainian secret service has confirmed an attack on its headquarters. All information in the news blog. The most important things at a glanceLoading… Embed Air alert in all regions of Ukraine 2.23 a.m.: Air raid alarms went … Read more

Preventing unnecessary waste: EU aims for law for “right to repair”.

Saturday March 11, 2023 Prevent unnecessary waste EU seeks ‘right to repair’ law In the future, consumers should have the choice of having their defective device repaired or replacing it with a new one. (Foto: picture alliance / Zoonar) So far, it has been easier for both manufacturers and consumers to simply replace defective devices … Read more

Forint devaluation: In the power struggle with Brussels, Orbán risks state bankruptcy

Blue htelue Uelpekuentoenpe uelpekettle enpaeleekuel 6eeoluO. Bel lnpplpeke Pleelphuueelu peale Pnpeoepl eO Zuulea en, pepp Vuaelu pep 6ep, pep ep lu plepeO Vlulel peelekl, elpl lu plel Iekleu peeekteu Onpp. Bep tleQ ple nuaellpeke Voklnua evlpekeueelltlek Oet vlepel elvep plelaeu. Buek pep 6teeh voklle unl hnle – eO Zlllvuek plele plek pel Ppplnle pep Bullul … Read more