Star formation-related cosmic phenomenon confirmed

Scientists have obtained a picture taken with the near-infrared digicam NIRCam, which exhibits the Serpens Nebula situated in a younger star-forming area. Within the northern a part of the nebula, astronomers have found a bunch of protostellar streams shaped when gasoline jets of new child stars collide with surrounding gasoline and dirt. The excessive spatial … Read more

Possible proof of the existence of glueballs announced

Glueballs are hypothetical interactions that occur between gluons, the carriers of the strong nuclear force. Gluons are thought to hold quarks together to form hadrons (such as protons and neutrons) and mesons (particles made up of a quark and an antiquark). It is also assumed that gluons can form particles without the participation of quarks … Read more

Where is it good to live in Latvia? Regions measured their standard of living

Marupe Emirates The Latvian Central Statistical Office began to publish data on the gross domestic product, which is created in the regions of the country. This has not been done before. European statistics, by the way, also divide the entire EU into hundreds of regions, the level of development of which is easy to compare, … Read more

The Pentagon rules out that the United States has covered up the existence of extraterrestrial life | Science

Nothing to see here. As an agent stationed at the police cordon at a crime scene would tell the curious, the Pentagon assured this Friday in an exhaustive 63-page report, the result of reviewing decades of classified and unclassified information, that there is no evidence of that the United States has covered up any discovery … Read more

Controversial revelation: Simian Virus 40 (SV40) found in Pfizer coronavirus vaccine exposes potential cancer risk

2023-10-19 17:14:35 Exclusive translation: The Canadian Ministry of Health announced the presence of the DNA sequence of the Simian Virus 40 (SV40) in the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine, which the manufacturer had not previously disclosed, as some scientists say this virus may cause cancer. They identified the virus earlier “Health Canada expects sponsors to identify any … Read more

Stay Informed About Traffic Violations & Insurance Monitoring in Saudi Arabia

2023-09-27 21:08:48 Al-Marsad newspaper: The Saudi Traffic Department, through its official account on the Violation monitoring mechanism The traffic detection mechanism will monitor violations, which will be once every 15 days in the absence of insurance. Monitoring in all cities Traffic added that automatic monitoring of violations will be in all cities and governorates of … Read more

Kuwaiti Minister of Health’s Bold Stand against Israeli Presence: Al-Marsad Newspaper

2023-09-22 10:57:34 Al-Marsad newspaper: A video clip documented the withdrawal of the Kuwaiti Minister of Health, Dr. Ahmed Al-Awadi, from the Health Ministers’ Conference held on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly meeting, in objection to the presence of the Israeli Minister of Health. Sources said that the minister left the hall before … Read more

The Controversy Surrounding Neymar in Al-Hilal: Sports Journalist Adel Al-Mulhim Responds to Nasser Al-Shamrani’s Statements

2023-09-19 09:14:01 Sports Observatory: Sports journalist Adel Al-Mulhim responded to the statements of former Al-Hilal player Nasser Al-Shamrani, regarding his recent statements regarding the presence of Brazilian Neymar in Al-Hilal Club. Al-Shamrani appeared in a video clip while watching the match between Al-Hilal and Nafbakhor of Uzbekistan, saying: “Neymar is a burden on the team, … Read more