Driver’s Miraculous Escape After Car Flies Over River in Neerpelt: Exclusive Coverage

2023-08-04 06:38:33 While driving on the Hereenterdijk in Neerpelt, Limburg, the driver hit the railing of the bridge he had to take to cross the Dommel river. A violent shock which made the vehicle take off: it flew over the water before ending up on the other side of the bank. The driver was seriously … Read more

Parking Fiasco in Lier: Unfair Fines and Rigorous Procedures Spark Citizen Outrage

2023-08-02 10:16:07 His visit to Lier left a sour taste for Guy, a 64-year-old Belgian from Ranst, Flanders. On May 11, he went there for a drink with a friend and parked his car in a street just before. “I parked in the Berlaarsestraat, but I didn’t know which parking zone the parking lot was … Read more

Bankruptcy Crisis at Triamant: Unpaid Wages and Unanswered Complaints Leave Employees and Creditors Frustrated

2023-08-02 09:40:00 It has been more than two weeks since several businesses in the care and housing company Triamant were declared bankrupt. According to information from HBVL, some creditors have since already released their claims. In all, the amount amounts to 305,000 euros. “But it’s probably only a small part,” explains curator Dominic Gielen to … Read more

Major Car Accident on Rue des Grands Prés: Extensive Vehicle Damage but No Injuries Reported

2023-07-23 19:40:43 This Sunday at the end of the day, around 5:30 p.m., an accident that was impressive to say the least occurred in rue des Grands Prés, between Chênée and Vaux-sous-Chèvremont. In circumstances that have not been communicated to us, a motorist lost control of his car. It then struck several vehicles that were … Read more

Unaffordable Pump Prices: Beware of Debit Errors and Delayed Reimbursements at Gas Stations!

2023-07-20 09:42:00 The facts took place last year. While she put fuel for twenty euros in her vehicle, Natjana was debited from… 377 euros! “The prices at the pump are becoming unaffordable, but apparently the stations and the banks deem it necessary, when you fill up for 20 euros, to debit 377 euros from your … Read more

Emile’s Disappearance: Investigation, Clues, and Mystery Surrounding the Case

2023-07-12 17:45:00 Disappearance Saturday, 5:15 p.m.: Emile is seen for the last time, alone, by two neighbors, who see him leaving the house of his maternal grandparents, in Haut-Vernet, a hamlet of 25 inhabitants clinging to the Trois Evêchés massif, in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence. It’s the first day of summer vacation for the toddler. In the … Read more