The Truth About Aspartame: Is it Really Carcinogenic? Find Out the Facts

2023-07-13 23:15:00 The artificial sweetener aspartame is potentially carcinogenic to humans, but remains safe at acceptable intake levels. Pictured is a shelf of sodas at a supermarket in Pasadena, California. Photo taken in June 2020 (2023 REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni) LONDON ( – The artificial sweetener aspartame may be carcinogenic to humans, but it remains safe at … Read more

Warren Buffett Donates $4.64 Billion in Berkshire Stock to Charities

2023-06-23 00:28:00 Warren Buffett (92), a well-known American investor, donated $4.64 billion worth of stock in Berkshire Hathaway, which he leads, to five charities on the 21st. The photo is by Mr. Taken May 6, 2018 in Omaha, Nebraska, USA. (2023 REUTERS/Rick Wilking) ( – Billionaire investor Warren Buffett donated $4.64 billion worth of Berkshire … Read more

TSMC stocks also release a large amount of investment companies other than Berkshire | Reuters

On February 15, investment firms Tiger Global Management, GQG Partners, Capital Group, US asset management giant BlackRock, US financial giant JP Morgan & Chase, and other companies announced that they would start manufacturing Taiwanese semiconductor circuits in the fourth quarter of last year. (TSMC) had sold a large amount of its shares, according to regulatory … Read more

JIP’s delisting of Toshiba, final adjustment by banks to finance 1.4 trillion yen = stakeholder | Reuters

It has been revealed that a group of banks are making final adjustments to provide a loan of 1.4 trillion yen to Japan Industrial Partners (JIP), which has obtained preferential negotiation rights in Toshiba’s reconstruction plan. File photo taken in June (2022 REUTERS/Issei Kato) TOKYO ( – Banks are making final adjustments to provide 1.4 … Read more

Interview: Rise in interest rates drives investors to ‘value’, superiority to Japanese stocks = President of Daiwa Securities Group | Reuters

Seiji Nakata, president of Daiwa Securities Group Inc., said in an interview with that the Japanese market is positioned as a value stock as investors’ eyes shift from “growth” to “value” once morest the backdrop of rising interest rates worldwide. He indicated that he had an advantage. This photo was taken at the company’s … Read more

[Market Eye]Stocks: Nikkei Stock Average Decreases, Accelerates Selling of Export-Related Stocks | Reuters

[東京 2日 ロイター] – <10:15> 日経平均は下げ幅拡大、輸出関連株の売り加速 日経平均は下げ幅を拡大し、前営業日比約430円安の2万7700円台後半で推移 している。寄り付きから変わらず全業種で値下がりし、全面安の展開となっている。下げ 幅は一時450円を超えた。 輸出関連株の下げが目立っており、トヨタ自動車、日立製作所、ホ ンダが軟調。市場では、ドル/円相場での円高進行と前日の米株安が重しになっ ているとの声が聞かれた。「多くの企業がドル/円の想定レートを135円前後としてお り、さらなる円高進行は企業業績にとってマイナスになる可能性がある」(国内証券・ス トラテジスト)という。 足元のドルは135円台前半で、昨日の取引時間中より円高に振れている。 <09:05> 寄り付きの日経平均は反落、利益確定売り優勢  寄り付きの東京株式市場で日経平均は、前営業日比242円90銭安の2万7983 円18銭と、反落してスタートした。寄り付き後も350円安と下げ幅を広げている。昨 日の株高の反動で利益確定売りが優勢となり、節目の2万8000円を下回った。東証3 3業種では、全業種値下がりしている。 昨日大きく上昇した銘柄の下げが目立ち、個別ではソフトバンクグループ、 東京エレクトロン、ファーストリテイリングが軟調。 主力のトヨタ自動車、ソニーグループもそれぞれ1%超安とさえな い。 <08:25> 寄り前の板状況、日産東京販売HLDGが買い優勢 ニッコンHL DGは売り優勢  東証プライム市場の寄り前の板状況では、買い優勢と売り優勢のそれぞれ上位銘柄群 は以下の通り。 買い優勢 銘柄名 騰落 MID 買気 売気 終値 率 気配 配 配 1 日産東京販売HLDG 27% 378 378 378 298 2 進和 24% 2,54 2,54 2,54 2,04 5 5 5 5 3 … Read more

Setting ceiling prices for Russian oil, destabilizing Western countries = Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Reuters

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova (pictured) said on September 9 that the plan to impose a price cap on Russian oil that the Group of Seven (G7) agreed to would fail and ultimately destabilize the United States and its allies. I warned you to. Representative photo (2022 [ロンドン 9日 ロイター] – Russia’s Foreign Ministry … Read more

Western countries blame Russia for causing European gas supply crisis | Reuters

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Thursday accused the West of causing Europe’s worst gas supply crisis ever, over measures to cap the price of Russian oil and petroleum products. He warned that he would retaliate once morest the G7 countries. A Nordstream facility in Russia in August. (2022 REUTERS/Anton Vaganov) [ロンドン 5日 ロイター] – Kremlin … Read more