Understanding Cancer Survival Rates and Cardiovascular Risk in Cancer Survivors

2023-11-19 08:00:00 In the past, cancer was considered a disease that mostly killed people, but with the development of science and technology and early screening, a significant number of cancer patients have survived. In particular, early-stage cancer has a high survival rate, with a cure rate of over 90% in some cases. Cancer survival rate … Read more

Preventing Cancer: Lifestyle Changes for Healthy Living and Disease Prevention

2023-11-19 05:06:40 Quit smoking, eat bland foods and avoid processed meat… Physical activity and vegetable-fruit intake are important. Entered 2023.11.19 14:05 Views 18 Entered 2023.11.19 14:05 Modified 2023.11.19 14:23 Views 18 When you eat processed meat products such as ham and sausages grilled over an open fire, ‘polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)’, which produce carcinogens in … Read more

Combat Cold Weather Indigestion with These Posture and Stretching Tips

2023-11-09 08:00:00 When the weather gets cold, physical activity decreases and intestinal movement slows down, making it easy to suffer from indigestion. In addition, the cold acts as stress on our bodies and interferes with digestion. When you are under a lot of stress, the sympathetic nervous system becomes hyperactive, which reduces blood flow to … Read more

Protect Your Kidney Health: Smoking and Excessive Salt Intake – The Worst Offenders

2023-11-07 09:28:12 Kidneys have a hard time processing waste… Smoking and excessive salt intake are the worst. Entered 2023.11.06 14:10 Views 8,896 Entered 2023.11.06 14:10 Modified 2023.11.06 14:08 Views 8,896 You should also eat salt for your health. The only problem is eating too much. Salt intake should be reduced to prevent and control kidney … Read more

Understanding the Impact of Large Daily Temperature Range on Arrhythmia Disease: A Comprehensive Guide

2023-11-05 01:01:16 Large daily temperature range affects the occurrence and worsening of arrhythmia disease Entered 2023.11.05 10:00 Views 0 Entered 2023.11.05 10:00 Modified 2023.11.03 17:16 Views 0 Arrhythmia is a disease that causes heart rhythm problems due to poor electrical stimulation of the heart or poor transmission of impulses. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]The weather is going on … Read more

Diseases Recognized by Voice: Learn about Laryngeal Cancer, Dysphagia, and Vocal Cord Polyps

2023-11-02 04:31:00 Laryngeal cancer, dysphagia, vocal cord polyps… Diseases recognized by voice Entered 2023.11.02 13:30 Views 58 Entered 2023.11.02 13:30 Modified 2023.11.02 09:25 Views 58 If laryngeal cancer progresses over a long period of time and invades the vocal cords or paralyzes the vocal cords, voice abnormalities may occur. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]0As the cold and windy … Read more

The Ultimate Guide to Understanding and Treating Dysautonomia: Expert Insights from Hidoc Medical Reporter

2023-11-02 01:00:00 Hidoc medical reporter Director Kim Do-hwanㅣSource: Hidoc You can move your muscles at will when you hold the cup in front of you, write with a pencil, or take a walk. This is possible because nerves transmit commands from the brain to muscles. However, while there are parts of the body that we … Read more